Opportunity for Superannuation Funds
Australian Retirement Landscape

Opportunity for Superannuation Funds
Recent legislation changes by the Australian Government have removed barriers to innovative retirement income products and paved the way for an increased quality of retirement.
Setting the Scene – Australian Retirement Landscape
Australian retirees are ready for new solutions to longevity risk other than those offered currently in the market. However conventional lifetime annuity products offer only modest annuity payments and are subject to additional costs, such as those related to the death of a member and spouse.

The opportunity and challenge for super funds
The key need for retirees is to confidently provide for their desired standard of living while managing the risks involved in their choice of retirement income stream products.
We believe the market for lifetime income streams in retirees’ portfolios will grow strongly due to the efficiency and effectiveness of the new breed of products.
Lifetime income streams are the only product to provide longevity (and thus income or lifestyle) protection as well as peace of mind. There is an increased realisation that life expectations are understated AND have been increasing relatively rapidly in historical terms.
Optimum Pensions’ new Real Lifetime Pension may be delivered by Super Funds to their members and will deliver:

We believe Australian retirees have a need for:
With support from the Australian Government, the future landscape for retirement income products is now set to develop.